UA-184069179-1 59: Hide & Seq: An ID Fellow Primer on Molecular Diagnostics - Febrile

Episode 59

59: Hide & Seq: An ID Fellow Primer on Molecular Diagnostics

Drs. Pratik Patel, Kevin Messacar, and Robin Patel provide a primer on molecular diagnostics, from the basics of DNA and RNA to navigating PCR and metagenomic next generation sequencing.

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Sara Dong:

Hi everyone.

Sara Dong:

Welcome to Febrile, a cultured podcast about all things infectious disease.

Sara Dong:

We use consult questions to dive into ID clinical reasoning, diagnostics and antimicrobial management.

Sara Dong:

I'm Sara, your host, and a Med-Peds ID fellow.

we have entitled Hide and Seq:

an ID Fellow Primer on Molecular Diagnostics.

we have entitled Hide and Seq:

But really, I suspect that this will be helpful for anyone who is interacting with these tests because molecular diagnostics have been part of our ID space, but there are new developments every day, and some of us may not have the best handle on what these tests actually are, and more importantly, the strengths and limitations of these tests.

we have entitled Hide and Seq:

Our guest co-host is here to guide us through helping you create a foundation for the terminology and methodology.

we have entitled Hide and Seq:

You may remember Dr.

we have entitled Hide and Seq:

Pratik "Tik" Patel from our PJP episode number 53 with Josh Wolf.

we have entitled Hide and Seq:

Definitely go back and check that out if you have not already.

we have entitled Hide and Seq:

Tik is a second year pediatric ID fellow at Emory University and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta.

we have entitled Hide and Seq:

He also completed a pediatric hematology oncology fellowship at the same institution, and he wishes to leverage his training in both fields to advance the ID care of immunocompromised children with a focus on those undergoing treatment of cancer and hematopoietic stem cell transplant.

we have entitled Hide and Seq:

He also has a research interest and introduction and implementation of novel diagnostics for improved stewardship and clinical care.

Pratik Patel:

Hey, everyone.

Sara Dong:

Today we actually have two special guests, which is wonderful.

Sara Dong:

I'll start with Dr.

Sara Dong:

Robin Patel, who is joining us from Mayo Clinic where she is the Elizabeth P and Robert E.

Sara Dong:

Allen, Professor of Individualized Medicine and Director of the ID Research Laboratory, co-director of the Clinical Bacteriology Laboratory, Vice Chair of Education in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, and the former chair of the division of Clinical Microbiology.

Sara Dong:


Sara Dong:

Patel's focused her research on improvement of next generation diagnostic techniques, understanding the inherent biology of periprosthetic infection, and understanding antibiotic resistance through a clinical lens.

Sara Dong:

She has published over 500 publications and is the director of the Laboratory Center of the Antibacterial Resistance Leadership Group of the NIH.

Sara Dong:

Welcome, Robin.

Sara Dong:


Robin Patel:

Happy to be here.

Robin Patel:

Thanks for having me.

Sara Dong:


Sara Dong:

Kevin Messacar is a associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

Sara Dong:

He is an attending pediatric hospitalist and ID consultant at Children's Hospital Colorado.

Sara Dong:

His research seeks to improve diagnostic tests and surveillance for central nervous system infections, with a focus on enter viruses and other emerging infectious diseases.

Sara Dong:

He is also interested in the process of selecting, implementing, and evaluating newly rapid diagnostic technologies using concepts of diagnostic and antimicrobial stewardship.

Sara Dong:

He has received the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Astute Physician Award for work on acute flaccid myelitis and enterovirus D 68, as well as the Young Investigator Award from the Pediatric ID Society or PIDS.

Sara Dong:

He is currently the principal investigator of a multi-center pandemic preparedness clinical research study, PREMISE, pandemic response repository- microbial and immunologic surveillance and epidemiology, thanks for joining us.

Kevin Messacar:

Happy to be here.

Kevin Messacar:

Thanks for having me.

Pratik Patel:

So let's get started with a primer on the basics.

Pratik Patel:

So in molecular testing, it's always makes sense to nail down what exactly is DNA and what exactly is RNA, and how does the difference between them relate to diagnostics and infections?

Robin Patel:

Yeah, great question.

Robin Patel:

Uh, DNA or Deoxyribo nucleic acid is what we've all learned about as being the hereditary material in humans, but also in bacteria, fungi, parasites, and DNA viruses.

Robin Patel:

And it makes a great target for detecting organisms because the DNA of each microbial species is fairly unique.

Robin Patel:

RNA is ribo nucleic acid.

Robin Patel:

So that is what is transcribed from DNA in DNA containing organisms.

Robin Patel:

But we also have some organisms, particularly RV viruses that have an RNA genome and no DNA.

Robin Patel:

And in those organisms we can use RNA as a target for detection.

Pratik Patel:


Pratik Patel:

Now, how about the different modalities of molecular diagnostics?

Pratik Patel:

And we can start with PCR.

Pratik Patel:

How does that relate to DNA and RNA and how?

Pratik Patel:

How do we utilize DNA and RNA in PCR testing?

Robin Patel:

PCR which was described back in the 1980s, is a technique for amplifying small segments of DNA.

Robin Patel:

It involves the use of primers.

Robin Patel:

Typically a pair of primers that aneal and then synthesize the DNA between them using an enzyme called DNA polymerase.

Robin Patel:

And then the cycle is repeated over and over again.

Robin Patel:

So whatever region of DNA is being targeted is amplified exponentially.

Robin Patel:

And so if you are looking for gene X, and gene X is just one of several thousand genes in a sample.

Robin Patel:

You can really bring up the amount of Gen X a lot by pcr, and then you can detect that amplified material in a, a variety of different ways.

Robin Patel:

Uh, traditionally, you know, we would run gels and do southern blots, but today we're commonly using probes.

Robin Patel:

So, probes that are hybridizing at the same time that PCR is taking place so that we know we've amplified a very specific product which is important for diagnosis of infectious diseases.

Pratik Patel:

And I've heard of different types of PCR reactions.

Pratik Patel:

For example, there's a qRT PCR, transcription mediated amplification, nucleic acid amplification.

Pratik Patel:

And so what, is there a difference that we should be aware of, or are there important clinical differences between the different types?

Robin Patel:

Yeah, really good question.

Robin Patel:

I'll try not to be too technical here because there are many, many ways of amplifying.

Robin Patel:

Segments of DNA or RNA and PCR, as I described, is like the classic or original way of doing so.

Robin Patel:

But there are many variations on how to do PCR that have to do with the starting material.

Robin Patel:

So when you start with RNA you have to convert that to DNA before you can carry out your PCR.

Robin Patel:

But also there's what's called real time pcr, which is where the probes are hybridizing while you're doing your amplification.

Robin Patel:

Um, and then you mentioned TMA (transcription mediated amplification) and there are actually other, what we call nucleic acid amplification tests or NAATs that are out there and they work on different principles, but the idea is there in that you're amplifying a specific gene.

Robin Patel:

So we see, um, lots of other sort of technical ways of amplifying and detecting a particular gene that are out there.

Robin Patel:

And really, the term NAAT is a better term than PCR because it's, it's more general.

Robin Patel:

Um, uh, but you know, technically some of the NAATs are pcr, so you can use that term in those scenarios.

Pratik Patel:


Pratik Patel:

And then can you comment a little bit on cycle threshold values, like CT values with pcr?

Pratik Patel:

There's a lot of kind of, uh, literature that has talked about it specifically with Covid recently, and so just highlighting that would be kind of useful for some trainees.

Robin Patel:


Robin Patel:

Um, it's a really good question.

Robin Patel:

There has been, um, a lot of discussion around CT values during the pandemic.

Robin Patel:

These are cycle threshold values.

Robin Patel:

And what this is, is when you're carrying out pcr, as I described, you're amplifying exponentially whatever gene you're targeting, and uh, then you have probes that are hybridizing or you can use specific stains that stain your amplified double stranded dna, but you're getting a signal from whatever is giving you that detection.

Robin Patel:

And that signal will increase over time as you amplify your target.

Robin Patel:

And at some point it will cross over whatever threshold it is that you are defining as a positive result.

Robin Patel:

And so the cycle threshold means the number of cycles until you reach that threshold where you can say, Oh, I have a positive signal.

Robin Patel:

And so a low cycle threshold means that you have a gene that you're targeting that's present in higher abundance than a high cycle threshold.

Robin Patel:

Now, uh, that's a general principle and in real time pcr,

Robin Patel:

we often time have a cycle threshold value.

Robin Patel:

In some of the other nucleic acid application technologies, we, we don't have a cycle threshold, but I think what people have been trying to do is to take cycle threshold values and transition what is a qualitative assay into a quantitative assay in infectious diseases.

Robin Patel:

We do have quantitative assays, for example, when we measure HIV viral load, we have quantitative assays.

Robin Patel:

We're used to using those assays.

Robin Patel:

Those assays are quantitative because they're specifically validated to be quantitative, and they include standards in the assay that tell you when you get a certain quantity, that's the correct quantity.

Robin Patel:

They're not just a real time PCR assay.

Robin Patel:

There's more in terms of quality control that's incorporated into those assays.

Robin Patel:

And so there has been some concern about relying on just cycle threshold values without creating a true quantitative assay, uh, around the COVID 19 pandemic.

Robin Patel:

And sort of reading into the lab data too much.

Robin Patel:

I think what people are truly doing is trying to make that test a test of infectiousness, which is a whole different conversation.

Robin Patel:

But hopefully that helps answer your question.

Pratik Patel:

Yeah, thank you.

Pratik Patel:

Now, I guess, can we highlight some of the specific tests in ID that are pCR based?

Kevin Messacar:


Kevin Messacar:

I think we've seen a, a transition in how we've used molecular testing for clinical infectious disease over the past decade or so.

Kevin Messacar:

Traditionally, we've used a very pathogen specific approach, and as Robin was mentioning, you know, we can target specific genes of DNA or RNA uh, organisms or viruses or bacteria.

Kevin Messacar:

Um, but that requires clinical suspicion.

Kevin Messacar:

So we've always had the ability, you know, since molecular diagnostics have come around to send a influenza PCR test that tells us yes or no is influenza there.

Kevin Messacar:

And HSV PCR test that tells us is HSV there.

Kevin Messacar:

Other examples, uh, would be Mycoplasma tests.

Kevin Messacar:

There's now group A strep tests, many different examples of just targeting a specific pathogen and saying yes or no, is that present.

Kevin Messacar:

What we've seen is kind of a shift in the diagnostic approach from many of the clinical platforms that are coming out towards a more syndromic based testing.

Kevin Messacar:

So we're combining multiple PCR test in one platform known as a syndromic panel.

Kevin Messacar:

Um, and typically this is multiplex pcr, so semi nested PCR that can contain multiple targets, which can include viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi.

Kevin Messacar:

It can be DNA targets and RNA targets combined.

Kevin Messacar:

And basically, instead of saying you have to have a clinical suspicion of, is this hsv, yes or no?

Kevin Messacar:

You can just say, I'm concerned my patient has a central nervous system infection.

Kevin Messacar:

I'm gonna look for all the, are most likely suspects at the same time.

Kevin Messacar:

So we can get into the, uh, benefits and the drawbacks of that approach, cuz it definitely comes with both.

Kevin Messacar:

Um, but you're seeing a significant shift kind of in the commercial platform field now that we have access to, uh, rapid identification of bloodstream infections.

Kevin Messacar:

We have respiratory panels that can look for viruses and bacteria, both in the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Kevin Messacar:

We have, uh, stool-based platforms that can look for viruses, bacteria, and parasites there.

Kevin Messacar:

Um, and we have the, the newer meningitis, encephalitis panels, each of which when they have been introduced, uh, into the clinical realm, have led to some twists of how do we interpret those, how do we use them?

Kevin Messacar:

What clinical impact do they have?

Kevin Messacar:

Are they cost effective?

Kevin Messacar:

Um, and I think that's still a really interesting area of inquiry.

Kevin Messacar:

How do they change how we practice medicine day to day when we go from this era of having to have a clinical suspicion for what we're looking for versus kind of using a molecular platform to look for many things at.

Pratik Patel:

Yeah, I know there's lots of great benefits and drawbacks.

Pratik Patel:

Um, so speaking about that, can you highlight some of the limitations of PCR based testing specifically as it relates to infectious disease?

Kevin Messacar:


Kevin Messacar:

I think it, it really goes back to the basic principles of diagnostic reasoning and, and pretest probability.

Kevin Messacar:

So how suspicious are you up upfront, uh, of a particular organism knowing that you're gonna lose some of that?

Kevin Messacar:

So when you're using a syndromic panel, even though you may be looking for one target on that panel, you're gonna get results for everything else that's included on that panel.

Kevin Messacar:

So you're stuck kind of interpreting data sometimes maybe that you didn't want.

Kevin Messacar:

Um, so going back to, you know, the basic root of diagnostic reasoning.

Kevin Messacar:

How do I interpret that result in the context of the patient in front of me and, and knowing some specific caveats that detection of nucleic acid does not necessarily mean the presence of an active infection or the presence of an infection that's causing the symptoms that I'm evaluating for in the patient in front of me.

Kevin Messacar:

So, Knowing that many viruses shed long after the active infectious period is done.

Kevin Messacar:

Uh, particularly common viruses like the rhino viruses, you frequently pick those up on the respiratory multiplex panels when they're not the cause of, of the disease in the patient in front of you, but they're just shedding virus from a, a previous infection.

Kevin Messacar:

That's one aspect of it.

Kevin Messacar:

Um, there is a potential for decreased sensitivity of some of the targets when you multiplex them.

Kevin Messacar:

So in particular, for example, the HSV PCR of CSF is pretty sensitive when you use a singleplex assay, that, uh, limit of detection is, uh, a bit higher when you use a multiplex assay.

Kevin Messacar:

So you may miss low viral load infections in the central nervous system on a multiplex assay.

Kevin Messacar:

Um, and then in general, I think interpreting a result that really just doesn't fit your patient context is important to take a step back and say, Yes, I detected this.

Kevin Messacar:

But is this truly what this patient looks like, smells like, sounds like is really important.

Kevin Messacar:

And we've seen that time and time again with c diff.

Kevin Messacar:

So detecting c diff shedding in stool when there's not the correct symptom complex in front of you.

Kevin Messacar:

Um, as well as as many of the other targets like on the meningitis, encephalitis panel.

Kevin Messacar:

Chromosomal integration of HHV6 is a huge problem.

Kevin Messacar:

So we see, um, about 1% positivity in the general population who just have the, the viral DNA incorporated into their chromosomes, and therefore you're gonna detect it in every cell in their body on, you know, anytime you test it.

Kevin Messacar:

And so if you test, you know, like our lab 800 CSFs a year on the meningitis encephalitis panel, you're gonna have eight patients a year that have detection of HHV6, but that's not the cause of their disease.

Kevin Messacar:

So it's hard to go through every example.

Kevin Messacar:

But just kind of going back to those roots of, of diagnostic reasoning and thinking, what was my pretest probability before I sent this test?

Kevin Messacar:

And how do I interpret that in terms of the patient in front?

Pratik Patel:


Pratik Patel:


Pratik Patel:

Thank I.

Pratik Patel:

So it's great that we've talked about, you know, Singleplex pcr, Multiplex pcr.

Pratik Patel:

Well, let's shift to like another type of PCR testing that's, you know, becoming more widely used, which is broad range pcr.

Pratik Patel:

But first, let's cover the basics so you know, what exactly is broad range bacterial PCR testing and, and specifically, you know, here of 16S rRNA for broad range PCR testing.

Pratik Patel:

And so what is that and how, how is that useful in this, in this testing approach?

Robin Patel:

Yeah, great question.

Robin Patel:

So, um, first of all, just the general approach, because before we get into the technical details, and we talked about how PCR assays typically are designed to be, specific, in other words, to only pick up what you're targeting that's, you know, very sought after.

Robin Patel:

I mean, if you have different sort of versions of the same organism, you might need to make sure you capture that, but you actually don't wanna be capturing a lot of things because you don't want, you know, false positive results, if you will.

Robin Patel:

But, um, there is another approach, and that is to go after a target that's present in every organism.

Robin Patel:

And so the 16 S ribosomal RNA gene is a great example.

Robin Patel:

It's present in every bacterial species, and so you could use it as a general indicator that there are bacteria there.

Robin Patel:

That is actually used in some diagnostics, but is not the most common way that this is used because there's another characteristic of the 16 S ribosomal RNA gene that's really helpful clinically, and that is so it's present in all bacteria.

Robin Patel:

It has areas of conservation and areas of variability, and so we can design PCR primers that target the conserved regions that will amplify a fragment of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene from any bacterium that's present in the sample.

Robin Patel:

But then we can sequence the area in between those primers and sequence through variable regions that tell us based on looking at that sequence data, which bacterial species it is that we're looking at, and that gives you what we call a broad range bacterial approach.

Robin Patel:

There are other genes that are conserved in bacteria that could be targeted.

Robin Patel:

But we have the most information of any gene for the 16 S ribosomal RNA gene.

Robin Patel:

So that's the one that you're most likely to see, um, in an assay.

Robin Patel:

The sequencing itself is something that has been done routinely in clinical laboratories like ours since the 1990s, but that has used Sanger sequencing.

Robin Patel:

Sanger sequencing essentially lets you interpret a very clean sequence read from a single bacterial species that has no copy variance of its 16S ribosomal RNA gene because oftentimes this is a multi copy gene in bacteria.

Robin Patel:

When you have more than one sequence of the 16S ribosomal R RNA gene present in a sample, such as in the case of a polymicrobial infection, if you attempt to do Sanger sequencing, it's almost like reading two words at the same time with the letters on top of 'em, and you cannot easily decipher what it is you're looking at, but that can be sorted out now with next generation sequencing of that product.

Robin Patel:

And then we can, we can really look at the full portfolio of anything contributing to that 16 s ribosomal RNA gene sequence data.

Robin Patel:

It's actually a technique that's used to define the microbiome in microbiome research, but it can be used clinically on samples that don't typically have a normal microbiome to, um, sort out when, uh, there's either a very low amount of bacteria present in the context of some background or more than one bacterial species in the same sample.

Robin Patel:

This gene is, uh, specific for bacteria so it doesn't pick up other organism types like fungi or parasites or virus.

Pratik Patel:

And speaking about fungi, is 18 s or sometimes I hear about 28 s.

Pratik Patel:

Is that the same kind of thinking, um, or the same approach, um, to doing broad range fungal testing?

Robin Patel:


Robin Patel:

So there are several, uh, parallel targets, I guess I would say in fungi that can be used, uh, that really follow that same pathway, you know, present in all fungi have areas of conservation and variability that can be targeted with a broad range PCR sequencing based approach.

Robin Patel:

Um, and again, sequencing with either Sanger sequencing or next generation sequencing, or perhaps even both depending on how a particular assay is set up.

Robin Patel:

And then Kevin had talked about multiplexing because we see a lot of these panels that are out there today that we use that can do multiple PCR at the same time.

Robin Patel:

So theoretically you can do all of that, uh, together.

Pratik Patel:

And last bit about just mycobacteria, you know, I've heard it's a different process for them and I've heard something about heat shock protein, which sounds pretty cool, but I don't know how that relates to kind of identification,

Robin Patel:

Uh, fundamentally.

Robin Patel:

You know, mycobacteria are bacteria.

Robin Patel:

So, um, when, when I think about that, I, I put them together.

Robin Patel:

They have 16 s ribosomal RNA genes, and so they can be detected with, um, a 16 s ribosomal RNA gene PCR sequencing assay.

Robin Patel:

Depending on how the assay is designed for mycobacteria and other species of bacteria, um, you might be targeting different areas of the 16 S ribosomal RNA gene.

Robin Patel:

And some areas are more informative than others in separating out species of different groups of bacteria such as Mycobacterium species.

Robin Patel:

But certainly the 16 s ribosomal RNA gene can be used, but then you can look at other targets that might be perhaps more informative in Mycobacterium species to maybe get a higher level of, uh, separation.

Robin Patel:

I think diagnostically.

Robin Patel:

Uh, there are two questions.

Robin Patel:

You know, if you're thinking mycobacteria, one question is, is there a mycobacterium present?

Robin Patel:

And another question is, what is that species of mycobacteria.

Robin Patel:

You know, sometimes, we can't get to the detailed species with, with many of these diagnostics, even Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a complex, uh, but many others are groups or complexes of organisms as well, which is probably fine clinically for the, for the most part.

Robin Patel:

Uh, but again, I think the main message is that mycobacteria are bacteria.

Robin Patel:

. Pratik Patel: And when you talk about sequencing, can you speak to how does the identification happen specifically?

Robin Patel:

Like what, what is done with the sequencing data and then how does that match up to like figuring out which organism is causing the or is present.

Robin Patel:

Yeah, that's, uh, that's the fun of sequencing.

Robin Patel:

So you generate a lot of data.

Robin Patel:

And I'll talk first about Sanger sequencing because that's the most straightforward.

Robin Patel:

You know, you have a string of nucleotides that comes off, typically, um, you're doing bidirectional sequencing because you're sequencing from both the forward and reverse primers.

Robin Patel:

So that's nice because then you can overlap those and you know, you got the same answer twice in both directions.

Robin Patel:

So it's a, a measure of quality, I guess, that, that you get.

Robin Patel:

Um, so then you take that, um, concatenated sequence that's been put together and you have to run it against a database.

Robin Patel:

And, and this is where, um, there can definitely be some variability.

Robin Patel:

So either you're using a pre-constructed database where someone, either your team or others have put together a database that says, you know, this sequence is Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, and now this sequence is Streptococcus agalactiae et cetera.

Robin Patel:

Or you're using a public database such as NCBI, um, that database is going to have a lot of sequences in it.

Robin Patel:

It's not completely curated, uh, but it's more comprehensive.

Robin Patel:

Um, and so your analysis has to really look at what does my query against this database tell me this is, um, is it tell, And it could tell you.

Robin Patel:

That it's this species, and then you have to determine whether it's all the related species to that species have been considered in your analysis, are in your database, and that there's maybe enough distance from anything else to be able to call that particular species.

Robin Patel:

Uh, sometimes they're not.

Robin Patel:

There's not, and there are a lot of organisms that read in together.

Robin Patel:

Here's an example of that.

Robin Patel:

Brucella species, they all pretty much have the same sequence.

Robin Patel:

Actually, they're probably all the same species, and that'll happen probably sometime in your future ID fellows just to make things confusing.

Robin Patel:

But, but so, you know, you couldn't possibly call a particular species of Brucella based on that analysis alone.

Robin Patel:

But we know that, uh, clinicians like to know as much information as possible.

Robin Patel:

So you try to get to the species where you can get to the species and otherwise you group, kind of, um, roll up to a genus level identification or a group or complex level identification, or most closely related to if there's something else reading in that's, um, maybe, you know, nipping at your, your heels, um, behind that sequence.

Robin Patel:

Um, next generation sequencing is more complicated because there, if you're sequencing bidirectionally, you have forward and reverse sequences, but you don't necessarily know what goes with what.

Robin Patel:

And oftentimes you have multiple different organisms that are reading in together at various abundances.

Robin Patel:

And so interpretation of that is done in the same way against databases, uh, but, but is a lot more complex.

Robin Patel:

Um, a lot of times, especially if you're looking at a clinical specimen, that doesn't have a lot of organism in it, you are also seeing, um, the background sequences of the assay because there are bacteria everywhere.

Robin Patel:

They're all over us.

Robin Patel:

They're in the environment.

Robin Patel:

They're, they can be in reagents.

Robin Patel:

And so if you, um, if you dig deep enough, you'll find bacterial sequences, 16S ribosomal RNA, gene sequences in pretty much everything.

Robin Patel:

So then you have to sort out, not only what is it, You know, is this something that should be clinically reported?

Robin Patel:

Because we, we all know how much confusion that can create.

Robin Patel:

Um, Kevin spoke to that a little bit, even with the multiplex PCRs.

Robin Patel:

Uh, but you know, when you report out something that maybe is just coming from your background, but um, you know, when it comes out in the report, looks like it could be clinically significant.

Robin Patel:

So, um, databases are what, um, what you need.

Robin Patel:

I will say another interesting and unique challenge here is that, uh, bacteria, bacterial taxonomy is rapidly changing.

Robin Patel:

So exactly what you call things can change.

Robin Patel:

And, um, in our experience we've also seen sequences of bacteria that probably are not yet named.

Robin Patel:

That's a real challenge to report on the clinical side.

Robin Patel:

So there's a lot of work that needs to be done to continue to describe bacterial species.

Kevin Messacar:

We all love it when the name of, uh, bacteria that we spent so long memorizing and putting in our memory bank gets their name changed and we have to learn everything all over again.

Kevin Messacar:

So those taxonomy folks are not the most popular people in infectious disease

Robin Patel:

or my, or clinical microbiology.

Robin Patel:

We, we don't like doing that either.

Robin Patel:

We know how much confusion it creates and Yeah.

Robin Patel:

But you know, it's maybe because of all this sequencing and understanding of microbes that the taxonomists are reclassifying things, because in the past we classified organisms based on their phenotypical and morphologic, um, characteristics.

Robin Patel:

And then today when we get sequence data, we realize, well, that that was wrong.

Robin Patel:

That that is not related to that and doesn't belong in this genus or, you know, et cetera.

Robin Patel:

And so then they get around to renaming things and, and then we have to update systems and change the way we report things.

Robin Patel:

And then that causes a lot of confusion on the clinical side and, you know, undoing of what's been taught in the past and so forth.

Robin Patel:

So nobody, nobody loves those changes.

Robin Patel:

. Pratik Patel: Yeah.

Robin Patel:

And who does broad range PCR in the US?

Robin Patel:

Can you guys speak, each of you speak to some clinical scenarios where there's data or, you know, personal experience of yours, that instances it could be useful for ID clinicians.

Kevin Messacar:

The two places that I know that, uh, you can send the 16 s and 28 s to clinically are Seattle, University of Washington, and the Mayo Clinic, and that's where we send our samples.

Kevin Messacar:

There's a broad range of experiences with the use of them and I, I would, from a clinical research standpoint, just caution folks, when you're reading retrospective observational data sets, just know that that tends to be very heterogeneous population and oftentimes sent at various time points, often later in the course of disease, things like that.

Kevin Messacar:

So there's a lot of caveats to that data.

Kevin Messacar:

Um, I will say having read a lot of the observational experiences that the yield is lower than I would expect for many of them.

Kevin Messacar:

Whether that's due to, you know, patients being pretreated or being sent late, um, in our hands, from a personal view standpoint, the 16S, 28S kind of platforms have been most useful in situations where you have source tissue, so you have a biopsy.

Kevin Messacar:

You see organisms, so it's Gram stain positive or you see fungi there, and for whatever reason, whether it's a diagnostically challenging organism to grow or a situation with pretreatment, you can't get an identification by routine, uh, microbiological techniques.

Kevin Messacar:

Those tend to be the situations in which we send those out, and those tend to be our highest yield situations

Robin Patel:

yeah, and I can comment a little bit because, uh, we're one of the labs that does this, uh, kind of testing.

Robin Patel:

Uh, it's a relatively new area, so we don't have all, um, the answers to the questions you might have.

Robin Patel:

We did, uh, recently publish a couple of articles that might be of interest.

Robin Patel:

The most recent one is in clinical infectious diseases this year, and we did a look back our 16S ribosomal RNA gene PCR sequencing assay applied to 2,146 normally sterile tissue and body fluid samples in our routine clinical practice.

Robin Patel:

Um, we do an algorithm where we run a PCR assay first, and um, we get a CT value from that PCR assay.

Robin Patel:

And if the CT value is low, we run Sanger sequencing.

Robin Patel:

If it's medium high, then we go to next generation sequencing because our validation data tells us that Sanger sequencing is unlikely to give us a definitive answer there.

Robin Patel:

And if the CT value is high, we, we know that sequencing by and large doesn't give us a useful result, so we just report that result as negative.

Robin Patel:

It's a relatively parsimonious way of applying this kind of testing.

Robin Patel:

And, um, so what we found is that adding this next generation sequencing to um, just the Sanger sequencing approach increased our positivity rate by 87%.

Robin Patel:

Um, and you're right, uh, Kevin, that maybe detection rate is the best way of looking at it is, is not maybe as high as you would love to see it, but I, I think you're also right that there are certain scenarios where this kind of testing can be particularly helpful.

Robin Patel:

Obviously when you're suspecting a bacterial infection, but when you can see the organism on staining or there's a histopathologic response that suggests there might be a bacterium there, that can be really helpful.

Robin Patel:

And um, one disease in particular that I'd like to highlight, where I think this is really standard of care is in infective endocarditis, but in a particular scenario.

Robin Patel:

Um, we all know that blood cultures are the first microbiologic tests that you would do in that scenario.

Robin Patel:

And of course, if you get positive blood cultures with a consistent organism, you don't really need to do other testing.

Robin Patel:

And then if cultures are negative, which sometimes they are, oftentimes because of antibiotics that were given prior to blood cultures being collected, um, Then you go on with your culture negative endocarditis workup, uh, with a Brucella serology and a Coxiella burnetti serology.

Robin Patel:

But we don't have great diagnostic tests, um, yet for some of the other common causes of infective endocarditis in culture negative cases.

Robin Patel:

And so if patients do come to valve resection, um, that valve should be sent to histopathology for one thing.

Robin Patel:

Uh, for an, an expert histopathologist, someone who has experience in infectious diseases and, um, cardiovascular pathology to take a look at that valve.

Robin Patel:

And, um, if there's acute inflammation there, if it looks like it's consistent with infective endocarditis, then running a 16S ribosomal rna uh, gene PCR sequencing assay is really your test of choice, actually above and beyond culture.

Robin Patel:

Um, we've also found some, some interesting detections in plural fluid, which I think is a clinical type of specimen that we're still learning a lot about as far.

Robin Patel:

Um, you know, what's going on and what microbes are causing pathology in people with pleural effusion.

Robin Patel:

So that can be very helpful as well.

Robin Patel:

Um, But again, we continue to learn from this.

Robin Patel:

Um, we know that antibiotics affect the sensitivity of culture and they also affect the sensitivity of 16 s ribosomal RNA gene pcr and sequencing, although to a lesser extent, uh, but not surprisingly, since they target bacteria.

Robin Patel:

Um, Detection rate goes down in people on antibiotics and it goes down progressively, um, uh, depending on the amount and timing of antibiotics that have been received by the patient.

Pratik Patel:

All right, So we've talked a little bit about sequencing and, and the differences between Sanger sequencing and next generation sequencing.

Pratik Patel:

Can we unpack, um, the word meta-genomics and like how does that apply?

Pratik Patel:

When we hear about sequencing, like what is metagenomics and what, how does that relate to like ID?

Robin Patel:

That's a really good question.

Robin Patel:

I think the term metagenomic has been used in a lot of different ways, but regardless of what assay you use in clinical infectious diseases, you should understand what it is that you've ordered.

Robin Patel:

So typically, a metogenomic assay is going to involve next generation sequencing, ,which is probably better referred to as massively parallel sequencing.

Robin Patel:

You can do it in a completely unbiased way where you just sequence everything in a sample.

Robin Patel:

And if you do that, starting from DNA, you'll sequence the human genome.

Robin Patel:

You'll sequence bacteria, fungi, parasites and DNA viruses.

Robin Patel:

You'll miss RNA viruses, of course.

Robin Patel:

As with PCR, you can introduce a step where you take RNA and you convert it to DNA and sequence that, and then you can detect RNA viruses as well.

Robin Patel:

But you can also do next generation sequencing on amplified single genes like the 16 s ribosomal RNA gene that we just talked about, which is more of a targeted metagenomic approach as opposed to, uh, a shotgun metogenomic approach, which is used when you're sequencing everything.

Pratik Patel:


Pratik Patel:

It's, you know, very interesting, especially since sequencing is now penetrating more and more medical domains like genetics, oncology, I think it's very important to understand the tests that you're sending.

Pratik Patel:

What are some commercial platforms that clinicians can order sequencing for ID purposes and kind of what sources, um, are typically sequenced.

Kevin Messacar:


Kevin Messacar:

So jumping off our last discussion of the kind of evolution of molecular testing.

Kevin Messacar:

We talked about going from a pathogen specific approach to a syndromic approach using multiplex pcr.

Kevin Messacar:

And now we're really moving into a more unbiased approach, meaning we're looking for everything at once.

Kevin Messacar:

Um, not even just a list of most likely pathogens.

Kevin Messacar:

And so there's a few kind of emerging technologies and places you can send samples.

Kevin Messacar:

Um, I think the most, uh, pertinent one that we're seeing a lot emerging on the clinical side of things, um, is the plasma cell-free DNA sequencing technology.

Kevin Messacar:

So the commercial test is called Karius currently.

Kevin Messacar:

Um, so you send a, a plasma specimen out.

Kevin Messacar:

It gets, uh, sequenced for trace amounts of microbial DNA and plasma.

Kevin Messacar:

Um, it can detect both organisms in the bloodstream and trace amounts of, uh, DNA based organisms.

Kevin Messacar:

Uh, even in tissues in some cases, we're still learning more about the sensitivity and, and specificity of various targets on that platform.

Kevin Messacar:

Um, but we're seeing more and more of its use for clinical care in diagnostically challenging cases.

Kevin Messacar:

Um, another is, uh, CSF uh, next gen sequencing for meningitis and encephalitis.

Kevin Messacar:

This is a category where we've never been able to chip away at that 50% of suspected cases of CNS infection that we just can't get a microbial diagnosis.

Kevin Messacar:

That can be caused by RNA viruses, DNA viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites.

Kevin Messacar:

So it's kind of the perfect application of a very common clinical presentation that's very hard to differentiate etiology based on clinical factors, um, and could be due to many different things.

Kevin Messacar:

So there is a, a clear approved platform that, uh, is being used at, uh, U C S F, uh, Charles Chiu Lab, um, that can do sequencing of CSF for those diagnostically challenging cases.

Kevin Messacar:

Unlike the Karius that we talked about that just detects DNA based organisms, this detects DNA and RNA based, uh, organism.

Kevin Messacar:

Um, a little longer turnaround time, typically with that platform.

Kevin Messacar:

And then we talked previously about the broad ranged, uh, and, and sequencing platforms used for, uh, tissue samples from source, uh, samples, biopsies, and others.

Kevin Messacar:

So those are the main, uh, platforms currently clinically available.

Kevin Messacar:

I will say that technology sometimes advances quicker than our knowledge on how best to use them and how to interpret them.

Kevin Messacar:

So I think we're in the catching up phase of we've got these really neat new tools.

Kevin Messacar:

We're learning how to, to best use them and how to best apply them for clinical care.

Robin Patel:

Completely agree.

Robin Patel:

I would add too that the clinician really needs to understand what they're looking for.

Robin Patel:

As an example, um, my team works a lot on periprosthetic joint infection, which is largely a bacterial infection, and we have a publication in press Clinical Infectious Diseases, where we compared, uh, 16 s ribosomal R gene PCR sequencing or targeted metogenomic sequencing based approach to shotgun metagenomic sequencing on a specimen we call sonication fluid, which comes from removing biofilms from explanted devices, and, um, the performance of the two approaches was the same.

Robin Patel:

And that makes sense because you're just looking for bacteria.

Robin Patel:

But I think it's also really helpful because it's a lot simpler to do a targeted approach and a lot more cost effective than a shotgun approach.

Robin Patel:

Um, and so in clinical practice, I think we need to sort out disease by disease, when to use these tests and exactly which test, uh, to use.

Robin Patel:

Uh, and so there's a lot of research for people interested in research in infectious diseases.

Robin Patel:

A lot of very clinically relevant research that lies ahead.

Kevin Messacar:

I just wanna jump off on something Robin hit on with the disease by disease comment.

Kevin Messacar:

Uh, cuz I couldn't agree more.

Kevin Messacar:

I think as we've moved into these unbiased platforms, what's happened is they get, you know, approval for clinical use and then they get used in a widely heterogeneous population and then you get these retrospective case series describing how it impacted care or you know, the diagnostic accuracy of that platform.

Kevin Messacar:

What we really need in the literature is indication driven data.

Kevin Messacar:

So not just sending it at whatever time point for whatever disease process, but how does this particular platform work for culture negative endocarditis like Robin talked about, or prosthetic joint infection, um, or MSK infection in pediatrics.

Kevin Messacar:

Cause I think that's gonna really inform when we should be using this test upfront.

Kevin Messacar:

So not sending it after a week of, you know, getting.

Kevin Messacar:

Getting no diagnosis from conventional diagnostics and when is it really clinically impactful and cost effective?

Kevin Messacar:

And we are just not there yet with the data that we have.

Kevin Messacar:

And in a way, it's kind of backwards to the way in which we do drug development, which you go after an indication, you show clinical impact of that drug for that indication.

Kevin Messacar:

It's like we're doing that all backwards.

Kevin Messacar:

We have the new tool and the new technology.

Kevin Messacar:

It's approved because it works in the lab.

Kevin Messacar:

It can detect what it's supposed to.

Kevin Messacar:

But then we're trying to figure out what use it should have.

Kevin Messacar:

And I think there's a lot of research work on the clinical research side, as Robin mentioned.

Kevin Messacar:

Um, That's ripe for the picking of ID fellows and others interested in diagnostic stewardship to do that kind of backwards work of how do we take these new shiny tools and apply them to their best.

Pratik Patel:


Pratik Patel:

And we'll have some great references to some of the, the studies, albeit many of them are retrospective, but, um, some of the data that's out there.

Pratik Patel:

Um, and lastly, I guess, can we touch on some of the limitations of, you know, it sounds really great to have ability to shotgun or kind of, um, sequence everything that might be possible that's there., Are there some limitations that we should be, um, wary of and, and, and specific scenarios which, uh, which have come up for you guys?

Kevin Messacar:


Kevin Messacar:

I think everything we talked about with the syndromic panel applies to what we talk about with unbiased sequencing to an even greater extent.

Kevin Messacar:

Robin talked about detection of, uh, commensal organisms, so skin organisms, gut organisms, uh, and interpretation of those results is really challenging, especially when we talk about our, um, immuno immunocompromised patient populations that may have a disrupted gut barrier.

Kevin Messacar:

And, you know, we may do very sensitive plasma cell-free DNA based sequencing and detect all the things in their gut that are spilling over with trace amounts into the bloodstream.

Kevin Messacar:

Likewise, in CSF, uh, there can be interference from host background as Robin talked about.

Kevin Messacar:

When you do, uh, metagenomic next gen sequencing, you not only get the pathogenic sequences, but you get all the host background sequences in there.

Kevin Messacar:

And if you have that tap that's either bloody or has a bunch of white blood cells that can actually interfere with the ability to detect organisms there so often you'll get uninterpretable result as far as that goes.

Kevin Messacar:

And then it's the great unknown too, so you can sequence pathogens that have never been described before, that have never been described in that disease process.

Kevin Messacar:

Um, that's one of the fun and interesting and challenging parts of this.

Kevin Messacar:

So we were part of the initial study of the next gen platform for CSF that is being used at U C S F.

Kevin Messacar:

And we used to have a weekly, we called it a tumor board, where we would go through all of the positives from the week prior from these really interesting encephalitis cases and try to interpret what had been detected on sequencing and what do you do when you have a patient with severe encephalitis and you detect a virus that's only been described in crickets?

Kevin Messacar:

Is it truly a cause that we've just never found before or is it you're just detecting uh, some lab contaminant or something else?

Kevin Messacar:

So there's a lot of clinical interpretation that needs to still occur with these assays.

Kevin Messacar:

There's a lot of caution we need to take, but I do think every diagnostic test has its place and I think we've all had a case in which, you know, we haven't been able to get to the bottom of it, and we send a sequencing assay and all of a sudden it becomes clear like there's something that's been there that either we didn't think about, or it's so rare that it wouldn't have been on our radar and really improves the care of that patient.

Kevin Messacar:

So I'm one who believes that every diagnostic test has its place.

Kevin Messacar:

We just gotta figure out the best way to use it in the best situations and make it work for us the best of our ability.

Robin Patel:

Yeah, I, I couldn't agree more, I would say.

Robin Patel:

The sequencing based tests are the hardest tests that I've ever o offered.

Robin Patel:

I think, uh, it's really helpful to interpret results in the clinical context.

Robin Patel:

And when you're sending things off to a reference lab, that can be complicated.

Robin Patel:

We do tests on our own patients here and other people's patients, and I mean, the nice thing about testing our own patients is I can really look at what's going on with the patient when I'm sending those results out.

Robin Patel:

I hope maybe in the future there's a way of sharing some background clinical data, um, on the patient.

Robin Patel:

I agree with Kevin.

Robin Patel:

It's, it's nice to know what people are looking for, but you really wanna understand, you know, is what I am seeing, in any way, shape or form, possibly fitting with what you're seeing because sometimes you don't know what you're looking for exactly when you're running these assays.

Robin Patel:

So I think we're learning a lot.

Robin Patel:

Um, we've discovered new organisms and new diseases along the way, and that will probably continue to happen.

Robin Patel:

So it's really exciting.

Robin Patel:

I, I definitely think these assays play a role for some patients, and we have to figure out who those patients are.

Robin Patel:

And many times they're today being run as a test of last resort, which is okay because we're learning, but probably during the career of some of the ID fellows, these will become like a first line test so we can get the results back more rapidly.

Robin Patel:

And I think you'll see improvements, I hope, in sequencing, uh, technology that will drive costs down because some of these tests are still very expensive.

Robin Patel:

Um, and you know, that's a problem in healthcare.

Robin Patel:

And then, results are not necessarily rapid, not rapid in the way, you know, some of the multiplex panels are delivering one hour, uh, results.

Robin Patel:

So, um, you know, look, look forward to learning more and also seeing technology and, um, clinical understanding improvements over time.

Kevin Messacar:

And I just wanna put in a plug along those lines, uh, for an active diagnostic stewardship approach to the use of these new tests as they're rolled out.

Kevin Messacar:

A test that looks for anything sounds great to most clinicians, and I think for the ID fellows on the call, you probably actually know more about these assays than most even experienced clinicians who aren't in the ID realm.

Kevin Messacar:


Kevin Messacar:

Lots of institutions who've decided to roll out these tests have rolled them out with some hands on approach of requiring approval, either by the ID team and an ID consult or the clinical micro lab director to review the case ahead of time.

Kevin Messacar:

So you don't get stuck in that situation either where you're sending it in a very low utility situation and wasting a whole lot of money or interpreting a test result that you never really should've sent that test in the first place.

Kevin Messacar:

So I think thinking about from the micro lab and clinical ID standpoint, how to roll out these tests and potentially putting in a few more handholding, uh, ways to kind of guide their best use is probably the right way to do it, at least until we get better data to drive their use.

Kevin Messacar:

Like Robin said, my goal hopefully is someday we have great data that says, for this indication, send it the day that patient comes in and we're gonna improve their care.

Kevin Messacar:

But until we get there, there probably needs to be a little bit more infectious disease or, or lab involvement in the use of these tests.

Sara Dong:

Yeah, that's perfect.

Sara Dong:

That's exactly what I was gonna say too, is plugging diagnostic stewardship.

Sara Dong:

And I figured it was beyond the scope of us talking today about how different labs are approaching offering it to patients.

Sara Dong:

Cuz I think it's very institution dependent how they're restricting or, or allowing people to send the test.

Robin Patel:

Now, one strategy that we've used at our place is, especially for the tissues and fluids, that there may be just one chance to collect them.

Robin Patel:

Say intraoperatively is we have a pathway to collect and hold specimens so that then we can look at the other test results that are coming back rather quickly, including culture and decide whether we should move this specimen on, uh, to more sophisticated testing.

Pratik Patel:

Oh, one thing that could be fun, I don't know if anybody has any great future goggles, but like, are there tests that are coming down the pipeline that we should be aware of or things that ID fellows will see at some point in their careers coming down ten five years.

Robin Patel:

Yeah, so I think, um, we talked about bacterial detection, but beyond bacterial detection, ID fellows need to know what treatment to recommend, and at least for bacteria, uh, you know, that involves typically antibiotic susceptibility testing.

Robin Patel:

But if you don't have an isolate, you can't really do that.

Robin Patel:

However, If we sequence deep enough, if there's enough organism there, we can recapitulate the bacteriums, uh, chromosome and extra, uh, chromosomal genetic elements, plasmids and so forth.

Robin Patel:

And if we know how to analyze that data and go from genomic data to phenotype susceptibility prediction, then we should be able to get all the way there.

Robin Patel:

This is very futuristic, right?

Robin Patel:

And it's probably going to be contingent on having enough organism in the sample to actually interrogate the genome in that way.

Robin Patel:

But I believe it will be possible in the future to get susceptibility information as well, which hopefully people are excited about.

Kevin Messacar:

And I think from all the ID fellows perspectives who all know that by the end of ID fellowship you become an expert in oncologic diagnoses and rheumatologic diagnoses.

Kevin Messacar:

I'm really interested in the group of patients who come in looking, by all means, like they have an infection, but even our best unbiased, deep sequencing, can't find an infectious process.

Kevin Messacar:

How we can better classify what's going on in those patients.

Kevin Messacar:

And one of the interesting part of, uh, Metogenomic next Gen sequencing is not only does it generate, you know, sequences that we can look for pathogen in, but also sequences out the RNA transcriptome.

Kevin Messacar:

And so if you categorize the genes that are being turned on in the host, there's actually some machine learning work to say that response looks like an autoimmune response or a viral pathogen host response or a bacterial pathogen host response.

Kevin Messacar:

And that might be enough to at least send us down the right pathway in those patients that we can't get an organism, but we need to know whether, you know, the neurologist should immunomodulate that patient or we should stick on empiric therapy cuz we might not have grown or detected an organism.

Kevin Messacar:

So I think we might be actually stepping back from the precision diagnostics of getting a specific name for something in those patients and just saying, uh, better part of valor maybe is at least put them into a bucket of autoimmunity versus infection versus other.

Sara Dong:

Thanks again, Tik Robin, and Kevin for joining Febrile today.

Sara Dong:

I thought this was a great overview.

Sara Dong:

Don't forget to check out the website, to find the Consult Notes, which are the written complements of the show.

Sara Dong:

So we'll have links to tons of references and anything mentioned today.

Sara Dong:

We have our library of ID infographics and a link to our merch store.

Sara Dong:

Please reach out if you have any suggestions for future shows or want to be more involved with Febrile.

Sara Dong:

Thanks for listening.

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A Cultured Podcast